Computers are really changing our world. Who would have seen, we would like to work a day with the help of computer programs in our landscape? Freeware...
I am dedicating a handful of upcoming blogs to highlighting some of the world’s most outstanding planting designers in a series entitled Groundbreakers....
Halimodendron halodendronThe only species of the genus Halimodendron that is a part of the larger Legume familythat is an attractive deciduous shrub reaching...
Picea PruningThese are 2 Spruces that anchor a lot in Ellicott City, Maryland that are extremely large for their kind in Maryland. In fact that Norway...
Food gardening by individuals and communities in South Africa is quite commonplace. Driving through many built up areas - often near areas of umjondolos...
Model Homes - Columbia15 * installed perennials on slope include emerging Astra Pink Platycodon ( Balloon Flower - just emerging ), Pink Ice Helleboris...